
Barcelona | Brussels | Lisbon | Madrid | Mumbai

REVOLVE includes regional offices and national representatives that provide strategic communication and creative content solutions for your sustainability projects.

Job Opportunities

At the crossroads of communication services and media production, we have vibrant and dedicated teams that believe in cultural diversity, multilingualism, and all forms of equality. If you believe in sustainability, work with REVOLVE!


Anna Valldeperas

HR & Office Manager

Dariana Guevara

Graphic Designer

Emin Yiğit Koyuncuoğlu

Junior Communication Officer

Jake Threadgould

Communications Officer

Josep Crous-Duran

Project Manager & Science Advisor

Marion Karam

Junior Communication Officer

Marta Castillo Sánchez


Nazih Toubal

Project Manager

Patricia Carbonell

Head of Barcelona Office

Valentina Ventola

Office Manager / HR


Aleksandra Starčević

Business and Project Manager

Anna Nazario

Junior Communication Officer

Areti Vlachodimou

Junior Communication Officer

Asya Al Marhubi

Communication Officer

Carmela Navarro Medina

Junior Communication Officer

Daniela Deken

Communication Trainee

Dorottya Kaló

Communication Trainee

Émile Noël

Graphic Designer

Emma Finnamore

Junior Communication Officer

Gary Leleu

Digital Manager / Web Developer

Hollie Fisher

Communication Officer

Mikaela Martirosyan

Junior Communication Officer

Monica Garcia Quesada

Research and Project Manager

Raphael Tsavkko Garcia

Managing Editor

Raul Jimenez van Hoorn

Web Developer / Digital Manager

Rosa Vallespinós Forner

Production and Project Manager

Sebastien Van Loock

Multimedia Producer / Digital Manager

Stuart Reigeluth


Sudhanshu Verma

Head of Brussels Office

Summer Felsen

Communication Trainee

Suzan Naz Uzel

Junior Policy Officer


In Strategic Partnership with

Aadhya Shah

Senior Program Manager

Ambika Vishwanath

Co-Founder and Director

Priyanka Bhide

Co-Founder and Director