Marta Castillo Sánchez


Based in Barcelona

Marta is a passionate communicator, who is driven by her interest in the Mediterranean region and her passion for storytelling. Prior to joining REVOLVE in 2020, Marta worked in the humanitarian sector in Lebanon for WeWorld-GVC. She holds a master’s degree in Euro-Mediterranean Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid (2017) and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (2016). She also worked for esglobal (the heiress of Foreign Policy España) and she has experience outside the Mediterranean region working in the European Parliament Liaison Office in London during the Brexit negotiations and the EU elections campaign in 2019.

I’m sustainable

I ride my bike to work. I do my groceries in bulk shops. I buy secondhand clothes. I prioritize travelling by train rather than by plane when possible. I use non-chemical solid shampoo and deodorant. I eat seasonal. I use reusable food containers in take away. I buy organic fruits and vegetables. I work in a sustainable building. I work with a sustainable company. I use energy from clean sources at home. I filter the tap water at home to avoid buying bottled water. I repair as much as possible.

The future I want

I dream of seeing a clean environment on both the north and south shores of the Mediterranean Sea and I believe that sharing meaningful stories and creating spaces to connect like-minded people could make this dream come true.

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Content Development
Project Management
Social Media

Area of interests

Increasing climate ambition
Clean, affordable and secure energy
Farm to fork
Biodiversity and ecosystems