Aadhya Shah

Senior Program Manager (KI)

Based in Bangalore

Aadhya is a Senior Program Manager at Kubernein Initiative where she anchors a wide range of geopolitical initiatives including their Feminist Foreign Policy and sustainability work. She has previously worked with Harvard University, MIT, and Linde India in various capacities. Aadhya comes from a project management, and organizational management background, and has a keen interest in international relations, and Indian foreign policy issues and sustainability.

I’m sustainable

Growing up in a Tier two city in India in the 90s we did everything with the aim of circularity without even realizing that is what we were doing. From a family going on a small two-wheeler to local markets in town, to re-purposing elder siblings clothes, and eating seasonal and local produce, circularity is an important view with which I reflect on sustainability and the state of the present environment of the world. My interaction with the world of sustainability is further enhanced by a conscious effort to stay more in touch with nature, through my hobbies of trekking and walking in nature.

The future I want

The dream is to inhabit a world where more and more people are conscious, reflective, and accountable towards their impact on the environment, and where every stakeholder realizes that small actions will not only impact us but also the world. The responsibility rests with all of us.

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Research and Analysis
Program Management

Area of interests

Ecosystems and Integration with Societies
Sustainable development