Marta holds a Bachelor’s degree in Global Studies (2019) and a Master’s in International Security (2020) with a focus on climate security and its implications in the Arctic region. Prior to joining REVOLVE, she worked for The Associated Press (AP) in London as an Editorial Support Executive: during this time, she gained a deeper appreciation for the power of journalism in bringing about positive change. She is now dedicated to leveraging the power of story-telling to raise awareness and drive collective action in addressing the climate crisis.
I’m sustainable
I am a firm believer in the transformative power of small, individual actions. Opting for a vegan lifestyle at the age of 18 has been a pivotal personal choice, demonstrating my dedication to both animal welfare and environmental sustainability.
Beyond my diet, I actively embrace sustainability practices by opting for second-hand and vintage shopping whenever possible. This not only positively impacts the environment and my wallet, but also enables me to discover unique pieces that distinguish my personal style.
While I know there is so much more I can do, I am committed to continuous improvement, taking one step at a time to protect our Earth in every way I can.
The future I want
I envision a future where climate change awareness is universal, and sustainable practices are a non-negotiable priority for every business and political entity. A future where wildlife preservation and animal welfare thrive, and where communities live in harmony with nature.
Specifically, I would love to see the Mediterranean Sea clean again, as a symbol of our collective commitment to environmental protection and the creation of a healthier planet for future generations.
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