Identifying ways of living, moving and consuming that protect the environment
With global populations projected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050 and 11.2 billion by 2100, plus a large majority of people living in cities compared to more rural areas, the inter-action between how we move around, how we consume and how we live could not be more important for going towards a more sustainable future. Linked to mobility and production/consumption are the inter-related concepts of society equity meaning a better socio-economic balance across strata of society and the Just Transition which are embedded within the EU’s Green Deal. These are grand overarching theese that recur throughout the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that provide a framework and targets to achieve greater sustainability for all.
Identifying ways of living, moving and consuming that protect the environment and promote health and health equity, INHERIT (INter-sectoral Health and Environment Research for InnovaTion) helped stimulate effective policies and practices to address key environmental stressors of health and the underlying causes of health inequity. INHERIT was our first Horizon 2020 project (2016-2019) that encouraged us to modify our lifestyles (that are too often characterized by a ‘take, make, consume, dispose’ models of growth) in order to formulate scenarios for a more sustainable future, and to design, implement and test inter-sectoral initiatives to achieve the desired change.
What They Say
EuroHealthNet worked with REVOLVE for four years on the Horizon 2020 INHERIT project. As the communication lead, they were responsible for designing and projecting the ‘face’ of the project, and their fresh approach to this was important to its success. REVOLVE for example developed the INHERIT logo, coordinated the process of depicting the four INHERIT future scenarios developed and managed the beautiful INHERIT website. We greatly appreciated their insistence on quality, as well as the professionality, diligence and accessibility of REVOLVE’s staff.
– Caroline Costongs, Director of EuroHealthNET & Coordinator of INHERIT
Our Work
We provide the following services and products for this project.
Four Scenarios
Website Development
Media Relations
The INHERIT project, coordinated by EuroHealthNet, has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°667364