Head in the clouds, feet on the ground. Wojtek has over 6 years of experience in professional writing and the production of visual media. A graduate of Film & Visual Media Studies, he has worked in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, and Poland before joining REVOLVE in Brussels.

His collaborative process combines tireless research, a creative mindset, smart scheduling, and a strong work ethic. Passionate about social inclusion policies, health-tech, film education, and communicating sustainability with all its nuances and time sensitivity – to inspire action and drive change.

I’m sustainable

Vegetarian, going vegan, and practicing sustainable eating (highly recommend the “One Pot, One Planet” cookbook as a starting point). I buy mostly from local farmers’ markets and second-hand shops and travel using public transportation. When sharing knowledge about sustainability, I strive to lead by example rather than teach or preach. After all, to paraphrase Bill McKibben, “‘hypocrisy’ is the price of admission in the climate battle.”

Recently started learning about precision fermentation and greener supply chain management practices.

The future I want

A world in which sustainability is not a conscious effort, but a default mode. Where affordable and clean energy is the standard, where access to drinking water is a reality for all, and where the means of production and consumption do not need to be labelled as “responsible” or “green”; they just are.

A world in which humans support their environment so the environment can support us back again.

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Writing / Copywriting
Marketing / Communication
Branding / SEO
Film production / Video editing

Area of interests

Implementing circular economy
Technology advancing sustainable change
Sustainable eating
Precision fermentation
Increasing climate ambition