YEJ Training
The Young Environmental Journalists (YEJ) Training connected 35 journalism students from six universities around Palestine with news and media players. The training provided new and creative opportunities for the youth to learn and act on environmental issues in Palestine. The course was held in a hybrid format allowing students from across Palestine – Gaza and the West Bank – to follow the content at a self-paced speed while also joining on-site workshops, field visits and mentoring sessions.
The training focused on the topics of waste and waste management, as it is a major environmental challenge in Palestine. Participants gained insights into the global and local environmental issues landscape with a focus on waste and on how to develop impactful journalistic stories around those issues.
About The Young Environmental Journalists
The students put into practice the knowledge gained during the three months course in their final stories. The course put the focus on the solutions journalism methodology as a key element to developing constructive and impactful stories on environmental topics.
The YEJ training is an initiative of the Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) under the program Strengthening Palestinian Environment Action Program. The YEJ Training is implemented with the support of REVOLVE and the Birzeit University Media Development Center (MDC).
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