A Circular Approach to Desalination

Addressing Water Scarcity with Desalination Solutions

Water scarcity impacts 40% of the world’s population, hindering sustainability and threatening the health of ecosystems around the world. In Europe, water stress already impacts 1/3 of the continent, with climate change impacts threatening future water quality and quantity across the EU and leaving the continent more vulnerable to water shortages.

Since the 1960s, costs for desalinated water have been declining, with reverse osmosis (RO) emerging as the leading technology. It is estimated that energy costs make up 50-60% of the total cost of producing water. In this context, energy efficient technologies provide an opportunity to further reduce costs and incentivize desalinated water use.


INDESAL is an EU-funded project under the LIFE Programme that tackles the challenge of supplying safe freshwater from seawater, contributing to mitigate climate change and to the shift to implementing circular economy solutions. The project aims to develop and demonstrate an integrated and circular seawater desalination system with a low carbon footprint that produces multi-purpose desalinated water, renewable energy and resources simultaneously.


(M€) Budget


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What They Say

It has been a success to collaborate with REVOLVE in the development of the LIFE INDESAL project. Hardworking, proactive, and enormously creative staff, which has resulted in a very positive and friendly consortium environment. Ultimately, people you trust and great professionals always focused on sustainability.

Our Work

We provide the following services and products for this project.


Video Production

Sustainable and Circular Desalination



Visual Identity


Website development

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LIFE INDESAL (LIFE21-ENV-ES-101074444) is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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