
Connecting technologies for a cleaner future

The goal of the DecarbEurope initiative is to engage decision makers in policy and industry by showing cost-effective technical solutions that each reduce European greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by several hundred million tons per year.

This is a multi-channel media campaign developed by REVOLVE together with 9 other organizations and 1 media partner. Our role is to act as an ecosystem-builder that connects technologies, policies and markets to decarbonize the EU economy. This unique campaign provides a cross-sector roadmap for GHG reductions that is not limited to a single technology.

Each solution promoted by DecarbEurope is technology-based, cost effective, market-mature, scalable and provides concrete solutions for a smart and user-centric energy system with ambitious targets. We recognize that these promising technologies each experience specific market, regulatory and/or technological barriers which hinder their full-scale activation. We therefore encourage policy and market instruments to remove some of the barriers in order to unlock the significant contribution these solutions can bring to reaching EU climate objectives.

About DecarbEurope

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