Building a water-smart economy and society
REVOLVE created the visual identity guidelines, including the CIRSEAU logo, slogan, and graphic elements for partners to use on their communication channels to make the Alliance stronger together.
The CIRSEAU Alliance was created to foster cross-promotion, communication alignment, and impactful outreach for the five projects funded under the EU research call on building a water-smart economy and society (CE-SC5-04-2019) including: B-WaterSmart, WIDER UPTAKE, REWAISE, ULTIMATE and WATER-MINING. These five projects share the objectives of identifying alternative water sources, reducing water consumption, and increasing use efficiency, recovering valuable materials from wastewater, producing carbon-free water cycles, and increase their resilience in the face of climate change.
The 5 projects of the CIRSEAU Alliance help mobilize water-related investments and synergies with other funding instruments, create new business opportunities, and increase the competitiveness of EU industries, accelerate the circular economy transition, and support the achievement EU water policies. The five projects will run from 2020-2024, with a total budget of 84 million euros (EU contribution: 71.5 million).
Together, the Alliance’s projects work with 35 case studies from 19 countries on one or more of these three topics: water recovery and reuse, nutrient and material recovery, and energy heat recovery and reuse.
What They Say
Communication plays an important role to enable the social embedding of water-smart and innovative circular solutions – we are excited that REVOLVE provided a logo for the CIRSEAU cluster of sister projects.
– Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos, Leader of CIRSEAU Alliance