Value Chain Digitalisation for Resource Efficiency
The digitalisation of the European agricultural sector has the potential to revolutionise the industry by promoting efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness.
The EU agri-food sector suffers from losses and inefficiencies while company experts move between environmental protection, the need for safe and healthy food, and sustainable production.
The EU has now invested 200 million into digitalisation in agriculture. With further research and innovation, digital twins can help the European agricultural sector stay competitive in the global market, by providing innovative solutions and creating new business opportunities.
Bio-Based Digital Twins (BBTWINS) is developing a digital platform for the optimisation of agri-food value chain processes and the supply of quality biomass for bioprocessing.
The platform is based on ‘digital twins’ technology – creating a real-time digital replica of physical processes in the agri-food industry.
BBTWINS also combines blockchain, artificial intelligence (machine learning and deep learning), big data, software analytics, computer simulation of agri-food processes, and the Internet of Things (IoT), in this single platform.
With 13 partners in 7 countries, the BBTWINS consortium are focusing on meat and fruit production, integrating the value chain (from crop to final product) defining the optimal pathway for each feedstock to maximise efficiency and minimise losses – without impacting quality.
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This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101023334. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries Consortium.