Maritime Transport Emissions

In 2019, the European Green Deal was adopted to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by reducing the EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 50% by 2030 and reaching zero net emissions by 2050, compared to 1990s levels. To achieve climate-neutrality, the transport sector needs to reduce emissions by 90% by 2050. However, so far transport has been one of the slowest sectors in terms of emissions reduction (, and the next decade will be critical in the transition to a low carbon economy (based on energy sources that produce low levels of GHG emissions). Therefore, the transport sector will need a combination of different technologies to achieve its goal. Therefore, the transport sector will need a combination of different technologies to achieve its goal.


AIRCOAT stands for AIR-induced friction reducing ship COATing. AIRCOAT is a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project promoting passive air lubrication technology with the potential to revolutionize the ship-coating sector. The AIRCOAT technology aims to reduce energy consumption and ship emissions. The air barrier created by the AIRCOAT foil further will decrease ‘fouling’ and consequent invasive species translocation. AIRCOAT also aims to avoid the release of biocide substances of underlying coatings to the water and mitigate the radiation of ship noise, something that has detrimental effects on marine life such as cetaceans.


(M€) Budget


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What They Say

I’ve been working with REVOLVE for the past six years while collaborating in several EU projects. From the proposal phase to project completion, it has always been a pleasure and a success to work with REVOLVE. They have provided professional online and print material, graphics, and video as well as written content. As a project coordinator of the AIRCOAT project I have been in close contact with the team. In their role as a work package leader for communication and dissemination they have fulfilled all tasks to my and the project officers satisfaction and even took over some project management tasks. The REVOLVE teams understands to translate complex scientific content into simplified language to communicate it to the broader public. Within AIRCOAT the professional designed websites, the infographics, the organisation of events, the explanatory videos and the social media engagement elevated the public reach of the project by far. I am looking forward to our future collaboration and I can highly recommend working with REVOLVE.

Johannes Oeffner, Team Leader, Scientist, Fraunhofer CML

Our Work

We provide the following services and products for this project.

Motion Design

What is biofouling?


Website Development

Visual Identity

Social Media

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The AIRCOAT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°764553

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