Transforming Landscapes
Coordinated by Coventry University, the AGROMIX project aims to drive the transition towards resilient farming, efficient land use management, and more sustainable agricultural value chains in Europe. Funded by the Horizon 2020 European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme (under grant agreement 862993), the project brings together 28 partners from 13 countries that will explore multi-actor co-design methods to promote and implement mixed farming and agroforestry practices across Europe. The project started the 1st November 2020 and will last for the following 4 years.
The project uses a transdisciplinary and participatory approach to unlock synergies in agroforestry and mixed farming and achieve environmental and socio-economic resilience in the context of climate change. AGROMIX plans to reach over 10,000 stakeholders in Europe, including 2,000 farmers, and through its communication channels and knowledge hubs will increase their knowledge of resilient farming systems. The project will also impact policy-making by providing policy briefs to influential groups and individuals and will increase understanding of the benefits of agroforestry and mixed farming by publishing both scientific and non-scientific publications, as well as practical guidance for their implementation.
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The AGROMIX project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°862993