Alejandro is a Senior PMO Manager with +20 years of experience in management for making a solutions portfolio and in the execution and management of innovation and transformation programs and projects, for both public and private companies. Passionate about methodologies, he has implemented guidelines, policies, and processes in dynamic and multinational companies. He’s always on the lookout for emerging technology trends and how they can help with sustainability.

I’m sustainable

To be more sustainable, I have made small but impactful decisions in my daily life: I use public transport mostly; I recycle as much as I can; and I avoid printing papers. I always make sure to exhaust all ways of reusing products before throwing them away.  

The future I want

My vision for a more sustainable future is one where evolution gets humanity closer to nature again, not avoiding innovation and new technologies but using them for helping people everywhere to breathe, smell, live in closer proximity to Nature in a meaningful, human and natural way of living. 

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Project Management
Problem Solving
Quality Management
Risk Management
Cloud Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
Program Management
Stakeholder Management
Budget Management
Portfolio Management

Area of interests

Circular economy
Sustainable water management
Mobility biking
Energy transition
Climate adaption