A Circular Economy Solution for Industrial Wastewater

Europe has embarked on an ambitious journey to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This is to be achieved with the EU Green Deal and corresponding legislation via the European Climate Law. A pivotal means of achieving this end is to involve different industries that have been driving the economy (and polluting the environment). Industrial air pollution in Europe has decreased during the decade of 2010-2020, which is a positive sign, and increasing measures (sticks) and incentives (carrots) are being implemented to encourage large polluting industries to shift towards more circular economy models of production. This process by which waste and other by‐products of a given industry become the raw materials for another is called industrial symbiosis.


ZERO BRINE advanced the implementation of the Circular Economy package and the Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE) Roadmap in various industries by developing the necessary concepts, technological solutions and business models to re-design the value and supply chains of minerals (including magnesium) and water, while dealing with present organic compounds in a way that allows their subsequent recovery. This was achieved by demonstrating new configurations to recover these resources from saline impaired effluents (brines) generated by process industry in 4 demo sites, while eliminating wastewater discharge and minimizing the environmental impact of industrial operations through brines (ZERO BRINE).


(M€) Budget


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What They Say

The REVOLVE team provided high-quality communication support and excellent media relations for the field trips, plus a bilingual digital journey to Turkey due to COVID restrictions.

Roelof Moll, Coordinator of ZERO BRINE

Our Work

We provide the following services and products for this project.

Website Development

ZERO BRINE – Re-designing the value and supply chain of water and minerals


Visual Identity

Depicting the world of industrial wastewater management focusing on the concept of resource recovery as an integral component of the circular economy:


Media Relations

Taking journalists to learn about different demo sites around Europe:


Digital Journey

Due to COVID restrictions, we provided a bilingual virtual voyage to Turkey

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The ZERO BRINE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 730390

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